Friday, December 11, 2009

Buried treasure???

These are a few pictures of the girls digging up a box that I discovered pulling a few old things out from the crawlspace that was under the old kitchen eating area. After pulling out an old child's chair, a rusted ice cream maker, and a box with a "new" light fixture from the 1960's in it, the crawlspace was empty. Except for some old cardboard that had been laid down on the dirt to protect the other items stashed there... or that's what I initially thought.

For some reason I decided to pull the cardboard up, and when I did I saw the top of a box that was partially buried in a hole in a very deliberate way. The box looked fancy - the top was made from an old dining room table top.

I wondered if it might be a time capsule from the 50's, then I paused before opening it, catching my breath and having the thought there might be a stash of old greenbacks hidden there - enough to pay for a new driveway???

Alas, there was nothing in it but some old newspaper scraps that had been wrapping who knows what before the precious contents were removed. At least Alison and Lael got some good exercise, learned to swing a pick, and they now have a cool old box to hide their own treasures in...

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