Monday, April 19, 2010

Upstairs has all the walls erected and straightened

The framing is all done for the main level, although the roof joists are not up quite yet.  This is a view from where the kitchen sink will be towards the front of the house.  The kitchen is open to the small family room that will have the South wall (right in this picture) mostly made up of windows, the East wall with a large square window near the corner, and the front door and sidelight will be located on the left side of this picture.

The shot below is taken from the front (East) corner of the house that is shown in the photo above looking back at the kitchen window over the sink with the back door located to the right leading into the mudroom.  There will be a wall just to the right (North) of the mudroom door that separates our bedroom from the kitchen.  From our bedroom, there is a door opening onto the deck which is shaped like Oklahoma (a 14x16 main section + a 6x10 panhandle section in front of the mudroom).  Three double-hung windows are next to the door from our room onto the deck, which will be covered with a standing seam metal roof.

The shot below is from the same SE corner as above, but looking to the North into the space where the Study / Guest Room will be.  There will be fluted glass french doors leading from the family room into the Study.

This photo is looking to the Northeast in the Study.  The window on the right looks out into the front yard, and the window on the left looks onto the side yard.

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